Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wrapping Up

This is my last week of treatments. Although we have entered week 13, Dr. Lodi recommended that I finish out this week. My tumor markers had dropped to 66 on Monday, and we hope to see another good drop by the end of the week. I'll have my final blood draw on Friday, and we'll get one more look at those markers before we head home. We plan to go home about the middle of next week after Jon completes the job he's working on now.

Going home holds its own challenges. We have to choose a new doctor that provides IV vitamin C therapy and get a new treatment routine rolling as well as continue with normal life responsibilities. We also need to aggressively investigate some other treatment options that Dr. Lodi has highly recommended I pursue in Denver. I'd appreciate your prayers that God will make our way clear to us and give us the energy to walk in it.


Siberians said...

We certainly will be praying! I know that God will guide you and help you through the challenges that you will face. We will trust Him to help you along and give you wisdom as you make further decisions. We love you. Jess

Suzy said...

I would think it would be difficult to leave the "security" of the treatment center....will pray as you continue on...

Anonymous said...

We are praying for you, Amy, and for Jon and the children, as well. Happy Valentine's Day! As always, thank you for the updates.

With love,

Cousin Cynthia