Why is my case considered a-typical? I technically was not at risk for breast cancer, and I have some protective factors. The risks indicators I don’t have: a family member who had breast or ovarian cancer, over 40 years old, overweight, diabetic, hormone treatments. The protective factors I do have: regular exercise, nursed 6 babies, excellent health over-all.
How are the kids doing? Generally, pretty well. Cara has shed the most tears, but she also is able to soak up comfort easily.
How is Jon doing? He has been wonderful. We’ve both had our hard times, and we both turn to the Lord for comfort and leading. I’m thankful for him.
How long will my treatment last? It’s hard to know until all the biopsies and surgery are done, but the oncologist thinks about 12 months.
What is my prognosis? Won’t know until all the tests come back.

How long will I be in the hospital after the surgery? The mastectomy is actually outpatient surgery. I was envisioning a two-hour procedure and then being packed off home to recover. Although it is considered outpatient, I will be in for at least 24 hours.
Is any family going to be here? My mom is flying out on Monday and will be here until December 2. My dad will come too, but he’s still working on tickets. Teresa (my sister) will join us for Thanksgiving week. We’ll be well taken care of.
You are much in my heart and prayers, sweet niece.
Love, Aunt Rachel
Thanks so much for keeping us updated. I check back often for any updates. I am still praying continually for you and Jon and the children.
Thanks for answering the questions, Amy. I have wondered about all of them.
I wish I could fly out to help as well. But I know you will be very well taken care of by your mom, dad and Teresa.
Love ya! Bonnie
Its good to know that Uncle Neal, Aunt Debby, and Teresa will be able to fly out. I know that will be a comfort to both you and the children.
We are praying for you and appreciate your updates! What a sweetie Teresa is for donating her hair to you! I miss that girl!
It was really good to hear the update. We are at Mom and Dad's tonight and didn't know about this website until Dad pulled it up. We pray for you often. Praise the Lord for your testimony of trust in Him. We love you!!
Love, Ben and Beka Bixby
I'm praying for your biopsies and surgery this week and for your adjustment to the "hair loss" issue. My precious friends went with me to pick out my wig and we had a lot of laughs (and some tears as well). I did try on a Dolly Parton style wig and it was hilarious. It's great to have friends that can laugh and cry with you. Your writings have been a wonderful testimony of God's grace. I know God is going to use this in your life and the life of your family to bring glory to His name.
i am so glad that uncle neal and aunt debbie and teresa will be there for you. i know that means a lot. the pictures are adorable. i haven't really seen to many pictures of the whole family. the kids are soo cute.
Think you should add hot pink streak to the wig. Give it, and you a little lift. Think too that God counts the hairs on your head weather you grew them or not.
RIBC Member
Just wanted to say hello and that I'm praying for you and yours.
I found your site through Kevin & Jessica Jones. Our church supports them.
...have confidence or faith in someone
...reliance: certainty based on past experiences
...allow without fear
...believe: be confident about someone
...faith: complete confidence in a person
"What time I am afraid, I will TRUST in Thee." -Psa. 56:3
"TRUST in Him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before
Him: God is a refuge for us. Selah" -Psa. 62:8
"O LORD, my God, in Thee do I put my TRUST:" - Psa. 7:1
"Though He slay me, yet will I TRUST in Him:" -Job 13:15
"He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: His heart is fixed, TRUSTing in the LORD." -Psa. 112:7
"It is better to TRUST in the LORD than to put confidence in man:
-Psa. 118:8
"TRUST in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own
understanding." - Prov. 3:5
"Behold, God is my salvation; I will TRUST, and not be afraid."
-Isa. 12:2
"TRUST ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is
everlasting strength." -Isa. 26:4
"The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and He knoweththem that TRUST in Him." - Nahum 1:7
" ...in Him will I TRUST: He is my shield, and the horn of my salvation,my high tower, and my refuge, my saviour." -II Sam. 22:3
In the words of that wonderful old hymn: "O for grace to trust Him MORE!"
Think about it!
The comment I left was an email devotional from Mrs. Day at Faith Baptist Church in Taylors, SC. She asked me to forward it to you.
We were doing our once-a-month shopping today, and Joel was able to get an internet connection with his laptop at one of the places we stopped. I was able to check your blog here (after a couple of days of not being able to). Thanks for taking the time to do the FAQ post. I've had others ask me about some of those things, and now I can give them intelligent answers. :) I'm so glad to know that your mom is there now. We are praying for all of you!
Love and many prayers,
I was reminded of our Bible Study from last year as you asked us to pray for peace. You might revisit the chapter on Experiencing God's Peace. It has some wonderful insight and verses that helped me. Will be praying for you today!
Love, Celia
I'm a friend of your sis-in-law Amy (she's delivered all 3 of our babies at our home)and we go to Grace Baptist together. You and Jon and the children are in our prayers. It's hard to know what to share at a time like this; I'm sure you are innundated with advice, wonderful promises from God's word, and perhaps comments or stories you'd rather not hear! I pray that God would quiet your soul and give you confidence in the fact that He does all things well.
Shannon Milligan
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